Tuesday, July 14, 2015

CTY Whales 2, 2015 - Scavenger Hunt

Hello! It's our second-to-last day here on Lady Maryland. We are all sad to leave but have been doing a  lot of fun things these last few days. Yesterday we got to explore Woods Hole, Massachusetts. It's a small community of scientists, mainly oceanographers, in a lovely area of Cape Cod. Just before we took a tour of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, we competed against each other in a photo scavenger hunt around town! Among the items to capture were a ship with 7 masts, a Research vessel, and a human pyramid. Here are just a few of the favorites from the "Starboard Watch" team (Soraya, Gus, Maxine, Casey, and Anoushka).

"Find a flying dessert"

"Find a human-sized lobster"

"Find a squid"

"Find a human pyramid"

"Find a group of scientists discussing their science"

"Find the underside of a drawbridge without going under it"

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