Sunday, July 5, 2015

Day 4 was another incredible day. In the morning we woke up normally to wash our teeth and it was when we heard the news… we were going to a museum after breakfast!! We were very excited about that, but first we had to put down the little boat to get to the dock, which was not in deep waters. After getting in the dock, we took a short walk to the museum. There, we watched a short video about whaling in the golden age. We learned that: whaling was an easy way to get money, whale’s oil was used to lubricate machines and in the fabrication of oil lamps, and that baleen was used to make corsets and umbrellas. One of the greatest whaling ship was the Charles W. Morgan, he was used to kill many whales in his life period. In one voyage aboard the Morgan, which could last from 3 months to 3 years, they could earn 1.7 million dollars! One of the coolest things is that the Charles W. Morgan is still on float as a museum in these days, and that we will visiting it tomorrow!!! I’m so excited! J But the day didn’t end here, we took the anchor back to the ship, we went on a trip to get fuel and fresh water, and we returned to our navigation schedule. Before we anchored the Lady Maryland, we fished again and it was really surprising what we caught: 3 funders of more than 2 feet long, a squid, a mantis shrimp, a moon snail, many little crabs and a huge horseshoe crab!! :D The day went down and we got to our night watches, my turn was at 2am… I’m having fun and learning a lot!
-          Whales One

On our Day 5 we sailed to Mystique Port. We got there around 5pm and we had the chance to explore a little bit the area. Once on land we went to a small antique house that in the old days was probably a church. Inside the house, there was an old musician playing the guitar and singing about the golden age of sailing and whaling. We spent an hour enjoying the music and the tales that the musician played and sang, which by the way were amazing! That was the first night that the Lady Maryland spent docket and next to us, there it was the formidable Charles W. Morgan!! J

-          Whales One

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