Monday, June 25, 2018

Away they go!!

It's a beautiful morning and the Lady Maryland crew was excited to see 10 smiling faces as the campers arrived on the dock.  After brief introductions, moving luggage and students aboard, picking bunk numbers out of a hat and getting a quick overview of the projected route they started some orientation to the boat and were underway.  Today will be filled with lots of orientations to systems and life aboard, lots of sunblock, plenty of water and tons of fun.  It's likely there won't be a post for a couple days as they make their northward trip, but just as soon as time and technology allow they'll updates you on the goings on.

students heading below decks for the first time

crew passes all the luggage down to students

getting ready to be underway with lifejackets on

1st mate LP gives a quick overview of living aboard

2nd mate Pamela gives a quick overview of what it means to be "on watch"
Capt Tim goes over the projected route for the trip with everyone

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