Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Session 2 - Trip 1 (Day 3)

Hello friends and family back home!

Our trip is now three days underway, and our CTY sailors have been indulging in tons of incredible new experiences.  They have been very busy learning about estuaries, marine habitats, and life aboard their pungy schooner...and more knowledge (whales!) is yet to come!  On Day 1, the cadets arrived around dinner-time and broke bread with their shipmates for what would be the first of many meals shared together.  Students were assigned to a bunk and to either the starboard or port watch.  It is with those 5-person teams that they have been taking turns navigating the boat, having lessons on deck, washing the dishes, doing boat checks, and much more. 

For the past two nights, the Lady Maryland has been anchored out at sea.  To make sure the boat is not moving during the night, our brave (and slightly sleepy) cadets, accompanied by a crew member, took one-and-a-half hour shifts throughout the night, being sure to take our bearings and record any changes in our environment.  Day 3 brought a special new opportunity...trawling for marine life!  After the Starboard watch dropped the long trawl net in the water, the Port watch hauled the net in, and together they collected and surveyed many different types of sea creatures, including baby crabs and lady slippers. 

And as this blog is being composed, the CTY-ers are on deck learning about the different indicators of water quality and what can disturb their natural levels.  From learning to tie knots to learning the ways an estuary is formed, the students have been very busy indeed!  They are loving this opportunity to show leadership and cooperation as they work together to make sure life on the Lady Maryland is ship-shape and fun for everyone.  Thanks for reading, and we know we will be sending more exciting updates about our adventures your way very soon!

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