Thursday, August 7, 2008

Whales CTY Summer Session 4 Day 8

Day 8
This morning, we started off the day with a swim call in the fresh water of the Chesapeake Bay. We all jumped off the side of the boat while, of course, Meghan took millions of pictures. The huge current kept dragging us away from the boat, making it hard to stay in one place, but we felt the cleanest we had in 8 long days. When the pool closed, port watch raised the anchor with great difficulty as we sailed off the hook, on our way once again. When we anchored at night, we ate dinner, worked on our projects, and then presented them. Port watch did an episode of "Pimp my Whale" while starboard watch did an episode of "American Idol" whale week, featuring Whaleja Boy! After our presentations, we had muster where we read the very colorful story that we wrote, made fun of Bowie for reading Seventeen Magazine, and heard our night orders.
Tonight was the night that we would be on watch all by ourselves. After we all had changed in our pj's and were ready for bed, we played a game called Mallory Family Fun Game, which is a game that mixes Charades with Taboo to form one very fun game. When the game was over, we set up all of our sleeping bags on deck and snuggled into them. However, many of us sat up and talked while Bowie's cranky self kept telling us to be quiet. I think that we were all just too excited that our journey on the Lady Maryland was coming to an end.
Written by Jaquee and William Benjamin Phillips III

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