Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Whales Trip 2 Day 5+6+7


Ahhh we’re more than halfway there and the trip is better than ever! We had an eventful last couple of days. Between the long sailing trips and the high waves, we managed to make time to get ice cream. While we were docked, we also stopped at the largest Whaling Museum in the United States.
Day 5 started with a lovely breakfast as always and then we were off to the races! With a long day of sailing ahead of us we had to make haste and start moving right away. While underway we got a chance to look for plankton again, and luckily we managed to pick up some friends. We caught an isopod and its friend in our test tube as well as some zooplankton! There was also krill swimming around in our sample. We received a lesson on plankton, we learned about climate change and whales, we practiced whale behavior, and at the end of the night we got to test the buoyancy of our foil boats that we made. The most weights a boat held was 2, but we’ll redo our boats and we’ll be back and better than ever.
Day 6 was really fun. We entered into port backwards, and then we got ice cream!!!! They had so many different flavors, sherbet ice cream and frozen yogurt. We then went to the whaling museum and were able to learn all about the history of whaling and entanglement. While touring, we had the chance to smell whale oil which was in high demand during the peak of whaling. There was a lot of artwork, scrimshaw and a half size replica of a whaling ship! Overall, the day was really fun, and the food was the icing on the cake! As we sailed towards our next destination, the waves grew in size, and the boat was rocking away! Everyone had a really good nights sleep, so the waves may have helped.
Day 7 is off with a bang, and we are sailing in some good wind and large waves! We were able to fish and we caught a spider crab and some hermit crabs! Today we are finishing projects, doing more estuary activities, learning about ocean acidification, and wrapping up our whales topic! We cannot believe the trip is almost over! Below are some pictures from the last few days :)
Until next time,
Team Lady Maryland


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