Thursday, June 28, 2018

Trip 1 Day 4

Ahoy from Long Island Sound!

The first thing we tried to do was upload some pictures from the past few days, but alas our goal could not be accomplished. For now we will just update everyone on our day.

During the night we took turns assisting the crew in the overnight anchor watch! The crew showed us how to pick and record our bearings making sure Lady Maryland was to stay put. Today we woke up in the beautiful Long Island Sound and started our day with a plankton tow in which we identified copepods, various crab larvae stages, and possibly some lobster larvae! The weather was just perfect enough to test who built the best boat in the boat challenge! We learned it was harder than it looked to build the sturdiest boat out of aluminum foil. As we switched watches, we had some time to work on our research projects. Who knew boats have a mini library?! Before bed we will raise the flag each watch has made. We are super excited to see what is in store in the days to come!

Until next,
Lady Maryland Crew


Unknown said...

Sounds like everyone is in high spirit having fun and taking responsibilities. How long is each watch shift? Just curious. There is a heat wave hitting everywhere on land this weekend, hope you guys have some nice breeze on board!

Unknown said...

I just heard from my delighted daughter that you are docked in Mystic, CT for a brief time. She sounds like she is having the time of her life! And she is really enjoying the adventure, the other students and the crew (and the talented chef?!). Doesn’t seem to mind that they haven’t showered in many days- it’s a “bonding experience!” Lol I am so glad she is loving the journey! Thank you!